Friday, December 24, 2010

A Very Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone, I would sing you a couple of songs, but I don't want to ruin your holiday. I hope everyone is with his love ones, enjoying some good food and good quality time with the people you care about.

A time like this is maybe just the perfect time to talk about the great achievement of the gay community this week. Of course I'm talking about the repeal of DADT.

It was great news, and something that should have happened a long time ago.

I have a friend that emailed me all through this time and helped me stay in the picture and be on top of things, so I was more excited to hear the news. I read articles from all over the world, in some way it's saddening that it took so long to happen, but like they say, better late than never. President Obama kept his promise and indeed repealed DADT.

My first question was should I enlist now? Since I know the marines are looking for a few good men, but a friend told me that they will find enough soldiers without me helping out. lol.

I wrote about this a couple of months ago, I truly believe that a person that wants to serve his country should be able to do so no matter what, Gay, Black or White.

I also read the big survey that was taken in order to evaluate the willingness of service men to serve along gay men, of course I was happy to see that most guys didn't make a big deal out of it.

On the other hand, it was also naive, even though gay people that were out couldn't join the army, there are so many gay men that aren't out and are in the service, just like everywhere in life. They say that one out of every ten man is gay, so where the hell is everyone? The answer is simple; they are just out there, being a part of the normal world.

Some of them don't want to come out, some rather live a lie and have a straight family, but they are there and they always were. In the army, in sports, in politics, in business.

What just brings me to the point that everyone has served with gay men and everyone knows someone who is gay, even if they don't know for a fact, and I'm sure once they get to now a person and get along with them, they will trust him with their life, even if they find out that he is gay.

I also laughed when I read on the survey about soldiers who are worried that they might have to shower along gay guys. That just shows homophobia in its best and it shows that they also have questions about themselves.

They might worry that something will start "waking up" when they see another guy naked, I can promise them no one will jump them in the shower.

I know that today's post was a little more formal, but I think that this is a real big thing, a real exciting thing and something that people fought for since we all remember ourselves.

It's just another step in accepting that a gay person is entitled to do everything a straight person can do, even serve in the army and be "the best they can be".

I will close this post with a personal story: In one of my vacations, I got the chance to meet a cute guy overseas; he turned out to be American. He also turned out to be a smart, genuine person.

We got to talk a lot and met around three times, when we were talking he told me his dream was to be a pilot and serve in the air force, but he also told me that he couldn't because he was out and wouldn't be recruited because of it.

He went on to tell me that he hopes so deeply and so badly that DADT will be repealed and that he could join the army. Needless to say that we haven't kept in touch, but he was the first one that i was thinking of as I heard the news, I was so happy for him. Happy for someone that can fulfill his dream and the fact that he likes guy's doesn't need to affect his life in any way.

I believe in the sentence that good things happen to good people. SO this post goes out to him, he will never read it and never know about it, but that doesn't change anything in my book.

Next station on our path is DOMA, and then the world, JK...

Merry Christmas to you all my dear friends, don't forget to enjoy the gift of love, along with your partners, May they be gay or straight, black or white. Remember to give them a big kiss on behalf of us who are still waiting to meet the right one.